There is no public api yet. During development of this site the current internal api will be polished so that it can be opened up later.
Request rank details about a player
Request Parameters
leaderboard_id (Optional, defaults to 3)
Leaderboard ID (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4, 1v1 Empire Wars=13, Team Empire Wars=14)
flag (Optional, defaults to true)
Show player flag
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)
Example Command
!addcom !rank $(urlfetch https://data.aoe2companion.com/api/nightbot/rank?leaderboard_id=3&search=$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910&flag=false)
Example Responses
twitchuser: !rank
Nightbot: Hoang (1799) Rank #44, has played 1181 games with a 59% winrate, -1 streak, and 20 drops
twitchuser: !rank Hera
Nightbot: Hera (2118) Rank #1, has played 659 games with a 71% winrate, +6 streak, and 3 drops
Request details about the current or last match
Request Parameters
leaderboard_id (Optional)
Leaderboard ID can be used to restrict player result to a leaderboard (Unranked=0, 1v1 Deathmatch=1, Team Deathmatch=2, 1v1 Random Map=3, Team Random Map=4, 1v1 Empire Wars=13, Team Empire Wars=14)
color (Optional, defaults to true)
Show player colors
search (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Name Search, returns the highest rated player
steam_id (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
steamID64 (ex: 76561199003184910)
profile_id (search, steam_id or profile_id required)
Profile ID (ex: 459658)
Example Command
!addcom !match $(urlfetch https://data.aoe2companion.com/api/nightbot/match?search=$(querystring)&steam_id=76561199003184910&color=false&flag=false)
Example Responses
twitchuser: !match
Nightbot: Hoang (1815) as Celts -VS- DracKeN (1820) as Celts playing on Black Forest
twitchuser: !match Hera
Nightbot: Hera (2112) as Mayans -VS- ACCM (1960) as Aztecs playing on Gold Rush
Age of Empires II© Microsoft Corporation. aoe2companion.com was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition, and it is not endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft.